Staceyann Chin
The Culture Project, MotherStruck!
Sarah Prager
Queer, There, and Everywhere; Rainbow Revolutionaries
We Are The Youth
LGBTQ Youth Photojournalism
Paulina Helm-Hernandez
Southerners on New Ground
Chelsea Roff
Eating Disorders and Mental Health
Amy Andre
Bisexual Health, Huffington Post
Julia Serano
Whipping Girl, Excluded, Spoken Word
Kathy Najimy
Feminist Activist, Producer, Director;
MAKERS IntervieweeRenitta Shannon
Georgia State House of Representatives
Hanne Blank
Sabrina Chap
Live Through This, Mental Health Activist
Katherine Cross
Scholar and Cultural Critic
Dr. Lady J
Performer, Educator, Activist, Emcee
Rye Young
Third Wave Fund
Michelle Tea
Author, Black Wave
Melissa A. Fabello
Everyday Feminism, Politicized Wellness Education